Monday, December 3, 2012

Just Read This Article

I'm feeling sort of blah tonight. Maybe it's the holiday blues; maybe it's because now that I'm settled here I fully understand that 14 - 17 time zones is a damn long way from all my friends and family; maybe it's that the true meaning of "sea duty" is slowly but surely beginning to reveal itself to me and the boys... whatever the reason, I just want to drink a hot toddy and crawl into bed.

However, I did find an article that sort of echos my "Old Vs. New" post from a few weeks ago. It's a list of things about Japan that might surprise you. It made me crack up, which felt good, and it also made me go, "Oh yeah!" Especially #2, which talks about the fact that you will probably always be an outsider here, even if you live here for many years and speak fluent Japanese. Not that I have been here long enough to have really experienced this --- but, one thing I have noticed is that there is no "blending in" here. I mean, in America, no matter what race you are people usually assume you are American unless you open your mouth and have an accent or speak a different language. In Europe it's the same - you can keep your mouth shut and sort of get by. Here, no ma'am. If you're black or white or brown, you are foreign. Enough so that people usually look at you once or twice or smile exxxxtra nicely at your kids. It has been something of interest to me since arriving.

Anyway, just read it, and don't forget to read all the captions under the photos cause that is what made me LOL the hardest:

And don't forget to make yourself a hot toddy before you start reading (thanks for sharing the recipe, Eliza!):


  1. OMG, the RAV4 tire cover is exactly like trying to communicate with the Mexican people at the hotel we're getting married at. We get email messages such as, "Today I went to the registry office in Chetumal and and gave me the authorization of your wedding, also because of lack perseverance paid $ 207, delivered to me on Friday."

    I don't know what this means, except that apparently we owe someone $207. Have a hot toddy for me!

  2. (Ivy: Ha!) Thanks for sharing this amaaaaazing article. I enjoyed reading it so much and it gave me a better understanding of the place you live now. Down with the blahs. Lights out. Colorado out.
