Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Cicadas Are Here

The cicadas are here, and they are no joke.

The other night I pulled Jackson's blanket in from the balcony where it was drying. (My washer and dryer are miniature. I can usually wash everything, but if I expect to actually dry something large, I have to hang it outside.) After I got it all spread out on top of him, I found out there was a giant cicada just hanging out on top of it. After scooping up the entire blanket, running outside, and shaking it off, of course it flew right back into the house. I was screaming, the boys were jumping up and down around me, shouting, "WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?" And then finally I managed to shoo it outside the door. Where it has been living and tormenting me everyday since. Jackson thought it was going to come back and eat him, so of course bedtime dragged out for another hour after this.

This is when deployments start to suck. Big time. That was a job for Adam, for sure.

A more informative and interesting update to follow soon (sorry it has been so long), but meanwhile, here is Mr. Cicada, hanging out right outside my door, announcing his presence to anyone within a 10 mile radius. (WHY ARE THEY SO LOUD?!)


  1. I can understand why you hate them, so forgive me if I LOL'd a little. Maybe you can put it in a tupperware and release it elsewhere in the neighborhood. Tell the boys you found a nice farm for it to live on. :)

  2. Disgusting. Would have vommed on the spot.
